Born in Niterói, 1989, Eduardo Baltazar lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. Self-taught painter, he has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from UFRJ and a master's degree in Art History from PUC-Rio. He attended the Parque Lage School of Visual Arts on the Foundation in Visual Arts course, in addition to other free courses.
His small-format paintings, made in oil and beeswax on linen, contain images of low lighting, diffuse contours, symbolic shapes and a central point of light. Like large canvases that have been reduced without losing material, his works are made of silence and contemplation condensed into nocturnal form, seeking a balance between the window and the screen. Through different layers of paint, he explores the relationship between the known and the unknown contained in darkness.
His images suggest that the dark and silence are full of presences other than the usual ones. Just like returning from a meditative moment, his paintings offer aesthetic experiences anchored in the observation of the day's passage. They are imagined landscapes that seek to open mental spaces, inviting the resumption of unarmed attention, typical of the unconscious and opposed to contemporary acceleration.
His solo exhibitions are: Salt of memory - Piccola Arena - Petrópolis, Brazil (2025); noitinha - Galeria Athena - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2024); Meia-luz - Galeria Bianca Boeckel - São Paulo, Brazil (2023).
1989 . Niterói, Brazil
Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Solo exhibitions
Sal de memória - Piccola Arena - Petrópolis, Brazil
noitinha - Galeria Athena - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Meia-luz- Galeria Bianca Boeckel - São Paulo, Brazil
Group exhibitions
Mar, engula-me - Galeria Athena - São Paulo, Brazil
Pequenos formatos - Galeria Silvia Cintra + Box4 - Rio de janeiro, Brazil
You are innocent in your dreams- Zero art space - Tokyo, Japan
Paralela - Galeria Eixo - Niterói, Brazil
Bronze Noturno - Galeria Refresco - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
49º SARP - Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto - Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Poleiro V.3 - Atelier aberto e exposição - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fazer faz corpo - Galeria Quarta Parede - São Paulo, Brazil
Bleu - Galeria Bianca Boeckel - Paris, France
Tenho Sede - ArtVoxs - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Matéria Muta - Fábrica Bhering - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Antropia nacional - Galeria Plexi - São Paulo, Brazil
Selecionado 28ª SAV – Vinhedo - São Paulo, Brazil
Ocupa Fasam - Galeria Arte Fasam - São Paulo, Brazil
Assembléia - Galeria Refresco - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Poleiro V. 2 - Atelier aberto e exposição - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Selecionado para 14º Bunkyo - São Paulo, Brazil
Acervo rotativo - São Paulo, Brazil
Arte e Natureza: Poéticas e pedagogias da mãe terra - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Florianópolis, Brazil
Poleiro V. 1- Atelier aberto e exposição - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
7º CCFA frança/alemanha centro cultural - Niterói, Brazil
Feira Oriente - Galeria Aymoré - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Awards and Residency Programs
Residency Program: Galeria Luis Maluf - São Paulo, Brazil
Residency Program: Bússola - Renato Almeida e André Aureliano - São Paulo, Brazil
Finalista Prêmio Dasartes Jovens Artistas
Residency Program: Refresco - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil