
Over more than two decades of work, Gustavo Prado's production has investigated our presence in the world, especially in the relationships established based on different conceptions of space and image. Using a variety of media over the years, such as video, photography, objects, installations and, more recently, major interventions, his works make use of technical resources and industrial materials – part of a modular vocabulary shared internationally by civil construction and security companies. These are elements such as mirrors, metallic structures and presence sensors, which are placed in contrast with the phenomenological look and in dialogue with issues of Brazilian constructive heritage, which are configured not only based on the works in the exhibition space or outside it, but also the starting from the relationship with the viewer and their image. Thus, Gustavo Prado ends up revealing in his propositions the interest in contamination in different collective configurations, at the same time that he guarantees a kind of silence of the individual experience.

Gustavo Prado was born in São Paulo (1981), and grew up in Rio de Janeiro. He studied Philosophy (2001) and Industrial Design (2009), but it was at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (1998-2002), in Rio de Janeiro, where much of his training as an artist took place.

Among his main solo exhibitions are: 2019 - Assembly (Galerie Richard - New York, USA); 2018 - Collision Collusion Collision (Galeria Nara Roesler - São Paulo, Brazil); 2017 - The Opposition (Gitler Gallery - New York, USA), among others.

In 2017, with the work Lamp Beside The Golden Door at the Coachella music festival, held in California (USA), the artist began a series of large-scale works. In 2018, the permanent public installation Trincheiras was opened at Casa Firjan (RJ); in 2022 he was part of the Urban Art group of the Mercosul Biennial with O Morador, and in 2023 he carried out his first project in Asia, installing Gathering Place in the Chinese city of Chongging.

Among his main group exhibitions are: 2023 - What is music in you (Galeria Athena - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); 2022 - Echoes Are Visible (The Boiler - New York, USA) 2021 - O Morador (Mercosul Biennial - Porto Alegre, Brazil) 2017 - Bronx Calling: AIM Bronx Museum Biennial (New York, USA) 2007 - New Acquisitions in the Gilberto Collection Chateaubriand (Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); 2005 - Projectiles d'Art Contemporain in Espace Brésil - Funarte, Year of Brazil in France (Paris, France); 2006 - Rumos Artes Visuais (Instituto Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil), among others.

Gustavo Prado has participated in several artistic residencies, among the most recent: Further on Air (2020 - New York, USA); Bric Residency (2019 - New York, USA) and AIM Bronx Museum (2017 - New York, USA). Among the awards received by the artist are: Art Prize 10 (2018 - Public Art Grant Calder Plaza - Michigan, USA) and Contemporary Art Prize – Projéteis (Funarte - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).


1981. São Paulo, Brazil.
Lives and works in New York, USA.

Solo Exhibitions 


Assembly - Galerie Richard - New York, USA


Colisão Conluio Colisão - Galeria Nara Roesler - São Paulo, Brazil

Colisão Conluio Colisão - Lurixs - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


The Opposition - Gitler Gallery - New York, USA


Polysemy - Java Gallery - New York, USA


Furta-Cor - Espaço Sergio Porto - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Programa 10 de 2002 - EAV Parque Lage - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Group Exhibitions


O que há de música em você - Galeria Athena - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

O pequeno colecionador 2023 - Carbono Galeria - São Paulo, Brazil


Horizonte de Eventos - Largo das Artes - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Echoes Are Visible  - The Boiler - New York, USA


Drawing on Likeness - Art and Cuture Center - Miami, USA


O que emana da água - Carbono Galeria - São Paulo, Brazil

She wore blue velvet - Y2K Gallery - New York, USA

Bric Biennial Volume III - Bric Arts and Media - New York, USA
The Bryant - Standard Arts - New York, USA.

Entre Espaços - Kura Arte - São Paulo, Brazil

The spectre whitin - 5-50 Gallery - New York, USA


Pequenos Formatos e Múltiplos - Lurixs - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Positions Matter - Galerie Richard, New York, USA

Practice: In Progress - Nars Foundation - New York, USA

Trio Biennial - Jardim Botânico - Rio Janeiro, Brazil

Land + Body= Scape - Nars Foundation - New York, USA

Reflector - Galeria Luciana Brito - New York, USA


Monumental - Marina da Glória - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Fragmento - In Process - Annex B Art Space - New York, USA

Identity Document - Bergen Gallery - New Jersey, USA

In Between - Auroras - São Paulo, Brazil

Intervenções Urbanas - Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro -  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Em Casa - Lurixs - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bronx Calling - AIM Bronx Museum Biennial - New York, USA

Summer Night Wishes - Elizabeth St. Garden - New York, USA

Drake Devonshire Residency - Toronto, Canada

Procession - Foley Gallery - New York, USA


Beneath Our Feet on the Surface of Things - Residency Unlimited - New York, USA

In Stride - Art In Buildings Program - New York, USA

Heliotrope - Geary Contemporary Gallery - New York, USA

Drake Devonshire Residency - Toronto, Canada

SVA Sculpture Installation and New Medias Residency - New York, USA

Harlem 149th - 601 West Harlem 149th Street - New York, USA

Transplantados - Casa Samambaia - São Paulo, Brazil

On Going - FB Gallery - New York, USA

Entre-Vistas - EAV Parque Lage - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Kaixa Preta - Espaço Apis - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Novas Aquisições na Coleção Gilberto Chateubriand - Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Novas Aquisições na Coleção Gilberto Chateubriand • Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Paradoxos Rumos Artes Visuais - Itaú Cultural - São Paulo, Brazil

Paradoxos Rumos Artes Visuais - Casa das Onze Janelas - Belém, Brazil

Paradoxos Rumos Artes Visuais - Paço Imperial - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Projéteis: Prêmio de Arte Contemporânea - Funarte - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Projectiles d'Art Contemporain in Espace Brésil - The Year of Brasil in France - Paris, France


Salão Nacional de Goiás - Flamboyant Prize - Brasília, Brazil

Posição 2004 - EAV Parque Lage - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Novíssimos - IBEU - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Universidarte Prize - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Projéteis - Funarte - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
8:7 [oito horas para sete artistas] - EAV Parque Lage - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Universidarte - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Grande Orlândia - Casas da Rua Bela - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In Classificados - Esp. Cult. Bananeiras - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil




Gathering Place - Chongqing IFS - Chongqing, China


Doorway - Robot Heart, Wollman Rink, Central Park - New York, USA

Manifesto Coletivo - Festival Rock The Mountain - Itaipava, Brazil

Gateway - Art With Me -  Miami, USA

O Morador - Bienal do Mercosul - Porto Alegre, Brazil


The Hours - ArtRio - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Undercurrent - Miami Beach Botanical Garden - Miami, USA


Pixel Garden - 200/5th Av. Installation (Standard Arts) - New York, USA


Stream - Art Prize 10 - Calder Plaza (Public Art Grant) - Michigan, USA

Trincheiras - Casa Firjan - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Lamp Beside the Golden Door - Coachella Music Festival - California, USA

Vem a Pé - Lurixs - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil