Desali | Leilão de Arte Piolho Brutal €1,99

Festival Novas Frequências - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

From the 1st to the 2nd of December, Desali and Daniel Toledo, who together make up the Coletivo Piolho Nababo, will participate in the Festival Novas Frequências with the performance “Leilão de Arte Piolho Brutal €1.99".

During the performance, participants will have the chance to buy works by artists invited by the collective for the initial cost of R$ 1.99; the performance represents a satire on the traditional auctions and deals that make up the art market.

The auction project, which has been held since 2011, enables a direct encounter with what Desali has been working on in recent years: production marked by freedom and improvisation, in which the trajectory of the artists involved adapts to different conditions, contexts and spaces, acting consonant with the situation rather than molding it to a prior idea or concept.

The Auction takes place at Mercado Central – Rua do Senado, 50 – Lapa, Rio de Janeiro.

30 November 2022
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